Albania: all about this country and its main places!

latitude: 41.15297 / longitude: 20.09102

General information


The capital of this country is Tirana and the country has a border with Montenegro, Greece, Macedonia, Kosovo. The following languages are spoken by the nation's citizens: Albanian. 28,748 km² make up the entire country, they use a postcode system and the key cities are: Tiranë, Tirana, Elbasan, Durrës, Shkoder.


This country represents 0.039% of the world's population with about 2,886,026 individuals. With a birth growth rate at 0.19%, the median age is 34.30 years.


Well known national dishes are: Tavë kosi. This nation has UNESCO World Heritage Sites: Historic Centres of Berat and Gjirokastra, Butrint.


On average citizens spend 14 years in school (including higher education).


It is ranked 111# in the world with a GDP of $18,255,787,479 USD in 2021. The sign for the local currency is Lek (ALL).

Good to know

For more information about this country, check Phone numbers start with +355, the ISO code is AL, the domain name ".al" is used by the country's websites


ISO code AL
Capital Tirana
Population 2,886,026
World percentage 0.039%
Median age 34.30 years
Population growth rate 0.19%
Main cities
Spoken languages Albanian
GDP (2021) $18,255,787,479
GDP position #111
Currency code ALL
Currency symbol Lek
School life expectancy 14 years
National dish Tavë kosi
TLD .al
Phone prefix +355