Argentina: all about this country and its main places!

latitude: -38.48312 / longitude: -63.59874

General information


The currency ISO code is ARS and the currency symbol is $. In this country, a Big Mac is sold at 590.00$ (corresponding to $4.57 USD). The GDP in 2021 was $487,227,339,102 USD, making it the 27# country in the world.


People from this country speak these languages: Guarani, Spanish. This nation's capital is Buenos Aires and the country shares a border with Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay, Uruguay. The area of the country is 2,780,400 km², they use a postcode system and the main cities are: Córdoba, Ciudad Autónoma De Buenos Aires, Resistencia, Posadas, San Fernando Del Valle De Catamarca.


There are UNESCO listed sites in this country: Los Glaciares National Park, Iguazu National Park, Cueva de las Manos, Río Pinturas, Península Valdés, Ischigualasto / Talampaya Natural Parks. Interesting food you need to try here: Asado.


There are 43,850,000 inhabitants, or 0.59% of the population of planet earth. The median age of the population is 32.40 years with a birth growth rate of 0.80%.


This country offers several reputable universities like University of Buenos Aires, National University of La Plata, National University of Córdoba, National University of Rosario, National University of the Littoral. The inhabitants attend school for 18 years (tertiary education included).

Good to know is a good place to find out more details on this country. Phone numbers start with +54, the country's ISO code is AR, the domain name ".ar" is used by the country's websites


ISO code AR
Capital Buenos Aires
Population 43,850,000
World percentage 0.59%
Median age 32.40 years
Population growth rate 0.80%
Main cities
Spoken languages Guarani, Spanish
GDP (2021) $487,227,339,102
GDP position #27
Big Mac local price 590.00$
Big Mac USD price $4.57
Currency code ARS
Currency symbol $
School life expectancy 18 years
National dish Asado
TLD .ar
Phone prefix +54


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