Central African Republic: all about this country and its main places!

latitude: 6.60852 / longitude: 20.93481

General information


The average length of time residents spend in school is 11 years (including tertiary education).


The sign for the local currency is FCFA (XAF). In 2021 the GDP was $2,516,498,299 USD, which ranks it number 157 in the world.


You can find some UNESCO listed places: Manovo-Gounda St Floris National Park.


Country territory measures 622,984 km², a postcode system isn't employed and the main cities are: Bangui, Bayanga, Garoua-Boulaï. People from this country speak these languages: French, Sango. Bangui serves as this nation's capital and the country shares a border with Cameroon, Chad, DR Congo, Republic of the Congo, South Sudan, Sudan.


There are 4,998,000 inhabitants, or 0.067% of the population of planet earth. In this country, the median age is 19.50 years and the birth growth rate is around 2.33%.

Good to know

Telephone numbers begin with +236, the domain name ".cf" is used by the country's websites, the country's ISO code is CF https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Central_African_Republic is a good place to find out more details on this country.


ISO code CF
Capital Bangui
Population 4,998,000
World percentage 0.067%
Median age 19.50 years
Population growth rate 2.33%
Main cities
Spoken languages French, Sango
GDP (2021) $2,516,498,299
GDP position #157
Currency code XAF
Currency symbol FCFA
School life expectancy 11 years
TLD .cf
Phone prefix +236
Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Central_African_Republic