Estonia: all about this country and its main places!

latitude: 58.72384 / longitude: 24.79631

General information


The country has a 45,227 km² area, a postcode system is employed and the primary cities are: Tallinn, Tartu, Pärnu, Narva, Rakvere. People from this country speak these languages: Estonian. Tallinn serves as this nation's capital and the country shares a border with Latvia, Russia.


Around 1,315,944 people live in this country, or 0.018% of all people on earth.


The price for a Big Mac in this country is 3.40€ (that corresponds to $3.48 USD). It is ranked 92# in the world with a GDP of $37,191,166,151 USD in 2021. The sign for the local currency is € (EUR).


Example of famous dishes in this country: sauerkraut stew. You can find some UNESCO listed places: Historic Centre (Old Town) of Tallinn.


Well known universities are: University of Tartu, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonian University of Life Sciences.

Good to know

For more information about this country, check Phone numbers start with +372, the domain name ".ee" is used by the country's websites, the country's ISO code is EE


ISO code EE
Capital Tallinn
Population 1,315,944
World percentage 0.018%
Main cities
Spoken languages Estonian
GDP (2021) $37,191,166,151
GDP position #92
Big Mac local price 3.40€
Big Mac USD price $3.48
Currency code EUR
Currency symbol
National dish sauerkraut stew
TLD .ee
Phone prefix +372

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