Morocco: all about this country and its main places!

latitude: 28.69353 / longitude: -9.12679

General information


There are UNESCO listed sites in this country: Medina of Fez, Medina of Marrakesh, Ksar of Ait-Ben-Haddou, Medina of Essaouira (formerly Mogador), Historic City of Meknes. Here is a list of famous dishes in this country: Couscous, Tagine.


There are 34,113,000 people here, or 0.457% of the world's population. The median age of the population is 20.30 years with a birth growth rate of 2.22%.


You can find famous universities here like Mohammed V University, Cadi Ayyad University, Hassan II University of Casablanca, Mohammed First University Oujda. On average citizens spend 10 years in school (including higher education).


Rabat is the nation's capital and the country has a border with Algeria, Spain. The area of the country is 446,550 km², a postcode system is employed and the main cities are: Casablanca ⵜⵉⴳⵎⵉ ⵜⵓⵎⵍⵉⵍⵜ الدار البيضاء, Arrondissement D'Agdal أكدال, Fès, Marrakech, Oujda. The following languages are spoken by the nation's citizens: Arabic, Berber languages.


The GDP in 2021 was $142,866,329,198 USD, making it the 57# country in the world. The currency symbol is dh, and the ISO code for that currency is MAD.

Good to know

Phone numbers start with +212, the domain name ".ma" is used by the country's websites, the ISO code is MA is a good place to find out more details on this country.


ISO code MA
Capital Rabat
Population 34,113,000
World percentage 0.457%
Median age 20.30 years
Population growth rate 2.22%
Main cities
Spoken languages Arabic, Berber languages
GDP (2021) $142,866,329,198
GDP position #57
Currency code MAD
Currency symbol dh
School life expectancy 10 years
National dish Couscous, Tagine
TLD .ma
Phone prefix +212


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