Mauritania: all about this country and its main places!

latitude: 21.01797 / longitude: -10.95071

General information


Around 3,718,678 people live in this country, or 0.05% of all people on earth. 21.00 years is the median age in this country and the birth growth rate is at 1.96%.


Country territory measures 1,030,700 km², they don't use a postcode system and the main cities are: نواكشوط, نواذيبو, Podor, Rosso Sénégal, Smrzovka. This nation's capital is Nouakchott and the country shares a border with Algeria, Mali, Senegal. The following languages are spoken by the nation's citizens: Arabic.


There are UNESCO listed sites: Banc d'Arguin National Park, Ancient Ksour of Ouadane, Chinguetti, Tichitt and Oualata. Example of famous dishes in this country: Thieboudienne, Couscous.


The currency ISO code is MRU and the currency symbol is UM. It is ranked 136# in the world with a GDP of $9,996,249,658 USD in 2021.


On average citizens spend 9 years in school (including higher education).

Good to know

Visit to learn more about this nation. Telephone numbers begin with +222, the ISO code is MR, the domain name ".mr" is used by the country's websites


ISO code MR
Capital Nouakchott
Population 3,718,678
World percentage 0.05%
Median age 21.00 years
Population growth rate 1.96%
Main cities
Spoken languages Arabic
GDP (2021) $9,996,249,658
GDP position #136
Currency code MRU
Currency symbol UM
School life expectancy 9 years
National dish Thieboudienne, Couscous
TLD .mr
Phone prefix +222