Swaziland: all about this country and its main places!

latitude: -26.51814 / longitude: 31.4629

General information


Here are the different languages spoken in the country: English, Swati. The area of the country is 17,364 kmĀ², they use a postcode system and the main cities are: Mbabane, Manzini, Matsapha, Ezulwini, Ka-Shoba. Lobamba serves as this nation's capital and the country shares a border with Mozambique, South Africa.


There are 1,132,657 inhabitants, or 0.015% of the population of planet earth. With a birth growth rate at 0.64%, the median age is 42.70 years.


On average citizens spend 17 years in school (including higher education).


The currency symbol is L, and the ISO code for that currency is SZL. It is ranked 146# in the world with a GDP of $4,743,335,152 USD in 2021.

Good to know

Phone numbers start with +268, the domain name ".sz" is used by the country's websites, the ISO code is SZ For more information about this country, check https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swaziland.


ISO code SZ
Capital Lobamba
Population 1,132,657
World percentage 0.015%
Median age 42.70 years
Population growth rate 0.64%
Main cities
Spoken languages English, Swati
GDP (2021) $4,743,335,152
GDP position #146
Currency code SZL
Currency symbol L
School life expectancy 17 years
TLD .sz
Phone prefix +268
Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swaziland