American Samoa: all about this country and its main places!

latitude: -12.80291 / longitude: -169.61371

General information


Country territory measures 199 kmĀ², a postcode system is employed and the main cities are: Pago Pago, Tula, Mesepa, Tafuna. The following languages are spoken by the nation's citizens: English, Samoan. The capital of this country is Pago Pago.


There are 57,100 inhabitants, or 0.0008% of the population of planet earth. With a birth growth rate at 1.19%, the median age is 37.50 years.


The inhabitants attend school for 21 years (tertiary education included).


The currency ISO code is USD and the currency symbol is $. The GDP in 2021 was $709,000,000 USD, making it the 168# country in the world.

Good to know

Phone numbers start with +1684, the country's websites have the domain name ".as", the ISO code is AS Visit to learn more about this nation.


ISO code AS
Capital Pago Pago
Population 57,100
World percentage 0.0008%
Median age 37.50 years
Population growth rate 1.19%
Main cities
Spoken languages English, Samoan
GDP (2021) $709,000,000
GDP position #168
Currency code USD
Currency symbol $
School life expectancy 21 years
TLD .as
Phone prefix +1684