Azerbaijan: all about this country and its main places!

latitude: 40.17162 / longitude: 47.8862

General information


Around 9,755,500 people live in this country, or 0.13% of all people on earth.


Well known universities are: Institute of Physics, Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences.


Country territory measures 86,600 km², they use a postcode system and the main cities are: Bakı, Ստեփանակերտ, Baku, Qazax, Sumqayıt. The capital of this country is Baku and the country has a border with Armenia, Georgia, Iran, Russia, Turkey. The following languages are spoken by the nation's citizens: Azerbaijani, Russian.


Here is a list of famous dishes in this country: Dolma. You can find some UNESCO listed places: Walled City of Baku with the Shirvanshah's Palace and Maiden Tower, Gobustan Rock Art Cultural Landscape.


The currency symbol is ман, and the ISO code for that currency is AZN. In 2021 the GDP was $54,622,176,470 USD, placing it at position 82 in the market. You need to pay 4.70ман (corresponding to $2.77 USD) for a Big Mac at McDonald's ©.

Good to know

Visit to learn more about this nation. Phone numbers start with +994, the domain name ".az" is used by the country's websites, the ISO code is AZ


ISO code AZ
Capital Baku
Population 9,755,500
World percentage 0.13%
Main cities
Spoken languages Azerbaijani, Russian
GDP (2021) $54,622,176,470
GDP position #82
Big Mac local price 4.70ман
Big Mac USD price $2.77
Currency code AZN
Currency symbol ман
National dish Dolma
TLD .az
Phone prefix +994
