Cuba: all about this country and its main places!

latitude: 21.55461 / longitude: -79.54349

General information


The country has a 109,884 km² area, they use a postcode system and the primary cities are: Ciudad De Santiago De Cuba, Ciudad De Santa Clara, Ciudad De Holguín, Ciudad De Camagüey, Ciudad De Cienfuegos. The following languages are spoken by the nation's citizens: Spanish. The capital of this country is Havana.


Here is a list of famous dishes in this country: Ropa vieja, Moros y cristianos. This nation has UNESCO World Heritage Sites: Old Havana and its Fortification System, Trinidad and the Valley de los Ingenios, Alejandro de Humboldt National Park, Viñales Valley, San Pedro de la Roca Castle, Santiago de Cuba.


The currency ISO code is CUP and the currency symbol is ₱.


Around 11,239,004 people live in this country, or 0.15% of all people on earth.


The inhabitants attend school for 14 years (tertiary education included).

Good to know

Telephone numbers begin with +53, the domain name ".cu" is used by the country's websites, the country's ISO code is CU Check out for more information about this nation.


ISO code CU
Capital Havana
Population 11,239,004
World percentage 0.15%
Main cities
Spoken languages Spanish
Currency code CUP
Currency symbol
School life expectancy 14 years
National dish Ropa vieja, Moros y cristianos
TLD .cu
Phone prefix +53