Jamaica: all about this country and its main places!

latitude: 17.65779 / longitude: -77.16618

General information


There are 2,723,246 inhabitants, or 0.037% of the population of planet earth. With a birth growth rate at 0.09%, the median age is 29.40 years.


It is ranked 121# in the world with a GDP of $14,657,586,937 USD in 2021. The local currency (JMD) is represented by the symbol J$.


There are UNESCO listed sites: Blue and John Crow Mountains. Example of famous dishes in this country: Ackee and Saltfish, Jamaican patty.


The inhabitants attend school for 12 years (tertiary education included).


The capital of this country is Kingston. The country has a 10,991 kmĀ² area, a postcode system isn't employed and the primary cities are: Kingston, Spanish Town, Portmore, Montego Bay, Kingston. The inhabitants speak the following languages: English, Jamaican Patois.

Good to know

Telephone numbers begin with +1876, the country's ISO code is JM, the country's websites have the domain name ".jm" Visit https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jamaica to learn more about this nation.


ISO code JM
Capital Kingston
Population 2,723,246
World percentage 0.037%
Median age 29.40 years
Population growth rate 0.09%
Main cities
Spoken languages English, Jamaican Patois
GDP (2021) $14,657,586,937
GDP position #121
Currency code JMD
Currency symbol J$
School life expectancy 12 years
National dish Ackee and Saltfish, Jamaican patty
TLD .jm
Phone prefix +1876
Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jamaica