Mauritius: all about this country and its main places!

latitude: -15.4315 / longitude: 60.04882

General information


This nation has UNESCO World Heritage Sites: Aapravasi Ghat, Le Morne Cultural Landscape.


The capital of this country is Port Louis. 2,040 km² make up the entire country, a postcode system isn't employed and the key cities are: Port Louis, Flic En Flac, Moka, Bambous, Vacoas. Here are the different languages spoken in the country: English, French, Mauritian Creole.


The local currency (MUR) is represented by the symbol ₨. In 2021 the GDP was $11,529,042,672 USD, which ranks it number 133 in the world.


The inhabitants attend school for 15 years (tertiary education included).


26.20 years is the median age in this country and the birth growth rate is at 1.80%. There are 1,262,879 inhabitants, or 0.017% of the population of planet earth.

Good to know

Phone numbers start with +230, the domain name ".mu" is used by the country's websites, the ISO code is MU is a good place to find out more details on this country.


ISO code MU
Capital Port Louis
Population 1,262,879
World percentage 0.017%
Median age 26.20 years
Population growth rate 1.80%
Main cities
Spoken languages English, French, Mauritian Creole
GDP (2021) $11,529,042,672
GDP position #133
Currency code MUR
Currency symbol
School life expectancy 15 years
TLD .mu
Phone prefix +230