Uruguay: all about this country and its main places!

latitude: -32.93392 / longitude: -55.78521

General information


Around 3,480,222 people live in this country, or 0.047% of all people on earth. The median age of the population is 35.50 years with a birth growth rate of 0.27%.


On average citizens spend 19 years in school (including higher education). Well known universities are: University of the Republic, Uruguay.


People from this country speak these languages: Spanish. The country has a 181,034 kmĀ² area, they use a postcode system and the primary cities are: Montevideo, Ciudad De La Costa, Maldonado, Melo, Punta Del Este. This nation's capital is Montevideo and the country shares a border with Argentina, Brazil.


Example of famous dishes in this country: Asado, Chivito. This nation has UNESCO World Heritage Sites: Historic Quarter of the City of Colonia del Sacramento, Fray Bentos Industrial Landscape.


The sign for the local currency is $U (UYU). In this country a Big Mac is worth 255.00$U (corresponding to $6.08 USD). In 2021 the GDP was $59,319,484,710 USD, which ranks it number 80 in the world.

Good to know

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uruguay is a good place to find out more details on this country. The country's websites have the domain name ".uy", the ISO code is UY, telephone numbers begin with +598


ISO code UY
Capital Montevideo
Population 3,480,222
World percentage 0.047%
Median age 35.50 years
Population growth rate 0.27%
Main cities
Spoken languages Spanish
GDP (2021) $59,319,484,710
GDP position #80
Big Mac local price 255.00$U
Big Mac USD price $6.08
Currency code UYU
Currency symbol $U
School life expectancy 19 years
National dish Asado, Chivito
TLD .uy
Phone prefix +598
Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uruguay